Think you know neglect?

Through interactive content, films, interviews, links to national guidance, tools to help identify and record signs of neglect plus a few simple tasks to help consolidate your learning, this module will help you:

  • Raise your awareness of the definition of neglect and why it may not be as easy to spot as you might think.
  • Identify the four main types of neglect.
  • Develop your awareness of the serious impact of neglect on children and young people’s development and long-term outcomes.
  • Explore some of the barriers to identifying neglect.
  • The importance of giving children a voice to help ensure the right help gets to them and their family.
  • Be aware of some of the simple tools available to help identify and record neglect.
  • Report on neglect.

The module is a mixed media presentation which will guide you through key messages in a clear, straightforward and interesting way. Video and audio are used to explain and illustrate important learning points to help you understand more about child neglect.

You can work at your own pace and revisit the module as often as you like to complete your learning. Throughout the module, there will be the opportunity to download/print useful documents and on completion of the module, you will be able to download/print your course certificate.

Towards the end of the module, there will be a ‘pop up’ evaluation form for you to complete. The evaluation is a set of 8 simple questions, 7 are tick box style, one asks for a brief comment. Your feedback is important to us to inform course review and development.

  • All Managers, practitioners, community groups, support staff or volunteers who work with or for children and young people.
  • Staff working in related professions including adult services, social work, health and housing.
  • Parent, carers and significant family adults in children’s families who may have cause for concern about a family member
  • Students and or those considering a career in childcare.
