Children’s understanding of gender is influenced and reinforced from a very young age through interactions and experiences with family, culture, lifestyle, the media, education, childcare environments and the wider community.
As parents and or practitioners nurturing children, we are in a unique position to make a significant difference by considering both the physical and psychological environments and interactions we provide.
This module will support parents and practitioners understanding of how to support gender equality through nonbiased practice with young children.
This module will help you:
- Explore legislation and national guidance designed to address gender stereotyping.
- Reflect on the impact of gender stereotyping, existing environments and interactions, including children’s development, health and wellbeing
- Recognise and challenge stereotyping
- Gain knowledge and understanding of how to provide a gender-equal physical and psychological environment, including the use of language and the power of storybooks.
NB. This module does not touch on social topics such as gender neutrality or fluidity and is based on national policy and guidance
The module is a mixed media presentation which will guide you through key messages in a clear, straightforward and interesting way. Video, audio, simple interactive tasks, links to national and relevant guidance, along with suggested further reading are suggested are used to explain and illustrate important learning points and consolidate your learning.
- All Managers, practitioners, community groups, support staff or volunteers who work with or for children and young people.
- Parent, carers and significant family adults in children’s families
- Students and or those considering a career in childcare.