Body image is defined as the way we feel about our body: how it functions, and our appearance (for example, our size, shape, skin colour and weight). Research shows that if we feel good about our body we are more likely to take care of it and having a healthy body image has a positive influence on emotional, social and physical wellbeing.
Through interactive content, including animations, links to current research and guidance and a few simple tasks and questions to help consolidate your learning, this module supports adults to support children to have a positive body image and reach their full potential.
This module complements the ‘Smart Start’ and ‘How We eat’ modules which also can be accessed free the in the ‘courses’ page. Both modules provide further tools to support children to develop healthy eating and physical activity.
After completing this module, you will be more aware of how to:
- Encourage children to feel confident about their bodies no matter what age, body shape, size and appearance
- Describe how a child’s body image is shaped by their experiences.
- Recognise how our own behaviours around body image can impact on children
- Carefully consider our use language to promote healthy body image and body confidence.
- Implement strategies to reduce children’s exposure to the media and increase awareness of the messages that the media conveys about body size ideals.
All Managers, practitioners, community groups, support staff or volunteers who work with or for children and young people and their families.
- Staff working in related professions including, social work, health and housing
- Parents/Carers