What makes a good chronology?

The dictionary definition of ‘chronology’ is “the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence”. This module aims to support a greater understanding of what a chronology is, the purpose, types of chronologies, key points to record. This module was developed in partnership with the Highland Child Protection Committee.

This module aims to support greater understanding what a chronology is, the purpose, types of chronologies, key points to record and highlights the importance of getting this right so that they are effective and fit for purpose.

The module is a mixed media presentation which will guide you through key messages in a clear, straightforward and informative way. You can work at your own pace and revisit the module as often as you like in order to complete your learning.

On completion of the module, you can download your certificate, key course documents, as well as any notes you made whilst completing the module

This module is designed for anyone who may have cause to write a chronology eg. ELC practitioners and agencies including Social Work, Health, Education, Police and Adult Services.

By the end of this module, you should:

  • Have a clear understanding of the definition and purpose of a Chronology
  • Be aware of the importance of the use of Chronologies within the core national approach – Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).
  • Know the difference between a ‘Single’ and ‘Multi-Agency’ chronology
  • Understand the key characteristics of an effective chronology
  • Be better equipped to compile key information in a chronology
  • Have access to a range of reference information, websites and downloadable support tools

This module is designed for anyone working with children and families across a range of services who may have cause to write a chronology eg. practitioners and agencies including Social Work, Health, Education, Police and Adult Services.
