The content for both these modules belongs to CONNECTING YOUNG CARERS
A young carer is defined as a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person. Young carers can be caring for or supporting a parent, sibling or another close family member. Some young carers are caring for more than one individual.
A survey in 2017 found that in Highland alone an estimated 11.5% of young people are doing some form of caring for a family member. With numbers continuing to rise, early identification and support from the services are key. This module aims to support greater understanding of the role young carers play, some of the challenges they may have and what we can do to support them.
If you work with children aged 10-16, you may wish them to access the ‘young persons’ version of this module which will help raise their awareness of the role of a young carer, either as a young carer themselves or as the friend to someone who may be in a caring role. CLICK here to access ‘Young carers: understand us’
This module will raise your awareness of:
- How to recognise a young carer
- The types of care they provide and the impacts caring can have on a young person
- Young carers in legislation and guidance
- Strategies to support young carers and services that can help both you and the young person
The module is a mixed media presentation which will:
- Guide you through key messages in a clear, straightforward and informative way.
- Enable you to work at your own pace and revisit the module as often as you like in order to complete your learning.
- On completion of the module, you can download your certificate, key course documents, as well as any notes you made whilst completing the module
Young Carers: seen, heard and supported
This module is designed for anyone working with children and families across a range of services eg. practitioners and agencies including Social Work, Health, Education, Police, Adult Services and other third sector organisations supporting children and families
Young Carers: understand us!
This module is for young people aged 10 – 18 to raise their awareness of the role and rights of a young carer.