The Smart Start Programme has been carefully developed to equip all Early Learning and Childcare practitioners and parents with ideas, tools and templates to support this key aspect of children’s development and learning.
The programme has been split into two packs:
– Pack A = for practitioners working in Early Learning and Childcare Centres with 3-5-year olds
– Pack B = for practitioners/parents working in community or home environments with children 0-5 years
Healthy eating, physical activity, and the self-awareness to begin making the best choices for ourselves are core components of every child’s development. The Smart Start programme supports these through ideas and resources you can link to children’s interests and develop into relevant, interactive play and learning experiences. Smart Start also addresses many of the key experiences and outcomes outlined in Curriculum for Excellence.
Smart Start forms an essential part of the health improvement support that NHS Highland provide across the whole life course, from pre-conception into older age: we strive to provide consistent and cumulative opportunities for good health.
This module accompanies How We Eat which supports childcare staff and parents/carers to encourage children to become competent eaters. The How We Eat module is free to all and can be accessed through the ‘our courses’ page.
After completing this module you will be more aware of how to:
- Support children to develop positive, healthy attitudes to healthy eating and physical activity
- Use positive language around food and physical exercise to support children’s healthy relationships with food and physical activity
- Appreciate that health gain through better food and physical and social activity is achievable with or without a change in body size or shape.
- Value a weight inclusive approach to prevent body dissatisfaction and dieting behaviours in all children
Share supportive and inclusive ways to include and support parents in helping their children to become self-aware and able to make the best healthy life choices for themselves
- All Managers, practitioners, community groups, support staff or volunteers who work with or for children and young people and their families.
- Staff working in related professions including, social work, health and housing
- Parents/Carers